Finding the Perfect Balance for a Pleasant Pregnancy

Finding the Perfect Balance for a Pleasant Pregnancy

(Photo by on Unsplash)

Article by: Jane Sandwood, Freelance Writer

We all need to find an appropriate balance in life. It’s especially true if we want to reap the benefits of a healthier, happier lifestyle. An intense physical regime is nothing without a vitamin-fuelled diet, a conscious connection with our spiritual self and a focus on making time for the things and people we care about most. Essentially, what we all need to aim for is a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

Pregnancy, in particular, is a time when finding the perfect balance becomes even more important. The decision to carry a life inside of us for nine months is perhaps one of the greatest decisions we’ll ever choose to make. It’s the wake up call we need to readdress where we place emphasis in our lives and to consciously work towards giving our body what it needs and deserves. So, how should we go about creating this balance?

Exercise and Muscle Building

Let’s begin by being perfectly clear. Pregnancy is not the time to be exercising in a way that your body is not familiar with. If you didn’t jog regularly before pregnancy, you really shouldn’t begin jogging every day for half an hour now that you are. But, it is important to commit to some kind of exercise routine. It’s a particularly good idea to find a way of building muscle during pregnancy.

Pregnancy makes it more difficult for women to build and maintain muscle strength and while there’s plenty of time after birth for new mums to get back into shape, labour is often less arduous when pelvic floor muscles are strong. Great care must be taken however when performing any kind of exercise that places strain on the abdomen, with some exercises completely prohibited.

Going for walks, gentle stretching, a water class for pregnant women and the occasional use of light weights to help keep leg and arm muscles in good shape will really help to keep you feeling fit until your baby is born. It will also help you to control excess weight gain at the same time.

Food For Fuel


(Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash)

There’s always a new-fangled diet making an impact on the masses, but the very best nutritional advice, particularly for pregnant women, is to find balance with every meal. That means lean proteins, whole grain carbohydrates, plenty of fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids and lots of water to keep you hydrated.

If the body receives all of this on a daily basis, your digestive system will get what it needs to function, you’ll have the energy you need to get through the day and you’ll be supplementing your brain and other organs with everything they need to stay sharp and healthy for longer. Having said that, there are some foods that pregnant women should avoid. These include unpasteurised cheeses, raw meat and fish, more than six ounces of tuna a week (as it has high levels of mercury), and caffeine.

Relieving Unpleasant Pregnancy Side-Effects

While pregnancy is an incredible experience, it can also bring with it a number of health issues, some more complex than others. Not all women suffer from the same complaints and it’s very common for women to live through totally different experiences from one pregnancy to the next. No child is like any other and so no pregnancy is comparable to another either.

Backache, changes to your skin’s natural condition, insomnia and cramps are just some of the minor ailments that pregnant women can experience, particularly as they get closer to the birth. Massage and a range of other complementary therapies can help alleviate the pressure placed on your spine, reduce your risk of cramping and improve the quality of your sleep; particularly as your tummy gets bigger and laying down becomes more uncomfortable. Indeed, there are many ways in which holistic and natural treatments can make both the pre and postnatal experience even more incredible.

The Benefits of Massage, Acupuncture and Aromatherapy

There are three holistic treatments worth considering during your pregnancy.

1. Massage. Massage therapy offers a particularly effective response to water retention. Many pregnant women during the third trimester suffer from swollen hands and ankles caused by weakened muscle mass. Massage treatment that works its way into the lymph zone has the ability to soften tissues, increase circulation and reduce fluid collection.

2. Acupuncture. According to the British Acupuncture Council, pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness, high or low blood pressure, constipation, back ache or varicose veins might want to consider acupuncture as a natural alternative to traditional Western medicine.

3. Aromatherapy. Particularly effective in helping pregnant women break the disruptive pattern of insomnia, the suggestion is to place a few fresh drops of essential oils on your pillow before bedtime. Lavender, camomile and ylang ylang tend to work best. (Note: only recommended during second and third trimesters).

(Click to watch video by Chi Yu: Omedeta Maternity Care – therapies for mums-to-be and new mums)

Little Beauty Treats

There’s also nothing wrong with taking the time to treat yourself to a few beauty treatments. Your skin, hair, hands and feet need just as much attention as your diet, your muscles and your vital organs. A monthly investment in something to make you glow on the outside is another step towards finding the perfect balance needed during this very special period of your life.

Essentially, it’s all about harmony. Get some exercise, enjoy the final few months at work, eat well, read something to stimulate your brain, sleep soundly, spend time catching up with friends and invest in a massage or two to release the strain on your back when necessary. Share your time evenly across all tasks and make yours a holistic approach to health and happiness. You’re in the process of creating another human life, after all.

Links for more info and tips during pregnancy

  1. Essential Oils and Pregnancy by
  2. Learn more about how to stay healthy during pregnancy at Mom Loves Best

Chi Yu is an Award Winner!

Chi Yu is an Award Winner!

Top Wellness Centre in London
Chi Yu Wellness Centre is ranked as a top Wellness Centre in London
Verified by

Chi Yu Wellness Centre is the winner of the 2017 Book Local Community Choice Award for the Wellness Centre category in London.

We have been “awarded the 2017 Book Local Community Choice Award for top Wellness Centre in London for your commitment to excellence in providing the best level of service to your customers on an ongoing basis.”

Dodging Dementia with Exercise and Dance Therapy

Dodging Dementia with Exercise and Dance Therapy

(Photo by: Carl Stanley, White Fox Studios)

Article by: Jane Sandwood, Freelance Writer

Exercise and even dance therapy are key to reducing risks for dementia and related diseases based on recent evidence by scientific studies. Without a doubt, the benefits of exercise on your mental health are numerous, significantly improving moods, creating extra energy and preventing mental illnesses. In addition to physical movement and dancing, dementia can be prevented by stimulating the mind and brain with mental exercises as well as healthy diets and lifestyles.

The Statistics

In the UK, there are 850,000 people affected by dementia and this figure is expected to rise to 2 million by 2051. A person develops the condition every 3 minutes or 225,000 this year alone according to the Alzheimer’s Society. The risk factors for the brain disorder include cardiovascular diseases, poor lifestyle and genetics. These factors are crucial in determining whether a person is likely to contract dementia or not. The fantastic news is that there is something you can do about these risk factors. For example, lifestyles can be modified whether you are smoking, drinking or simply living unhealthily.

Exercise to Avoid Dementia

One of the main components to healthy living is exercise. The NHS UK recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise in a week for adults (19-64) and some form of strength exercises 1-2 times per week. It does not need further scrutiny to understand why exercise is good for you. When you are physically active, blood and oxygen supply to the brain is enhanced contributing to the development of new neurons. It increases your energy, improves sleep and uplifts your mood. Physical activity improves your blood circulation, gets your heart pumping and strengthens cardio functioning. Hence, on a scientific level, exercise is good for your physical health and mobility.

(Photo by Cyril Saulnier on Unsplash)

Its most important benefit, however, is that exercise is linked to emotional wellbeing. Studies show that there is a connection between exercise and mental health. When you exercise, the brain produces and releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that puts you in a good mood. Not only will you feel great after a workout or cardio exercises, your mental condition is also enhanced putting you in high spirits, making you forget problems, clearing cobwebs and invigorating spirits. Improving lifestyle through exercises contribute to preventing the early onset of dementia by enhancing mental health.

Dancing: A Better Alternative

If you love to dance, you are in for a treat. Not only does dancing makes you feel good and gives those rusty bones a chance to stretch, it also improves your mood and alters your mental health. Further still, evidence (New England Journal of Medicine study, 2003) suggests that frequent dancing is the most important activity to ward off dementia reducing the risk by as much as 76%, better than doing crossword puzzles (47%) or reading (35%).

The research looked at 11 activities and found that freestyle dancing is the most beneficial in reducing dementia. Dancing requires constant and rapid decisions forcing your brain to rewire and renew in several ways. The study concluded that sequenced/choreographed dancing and sports (cycling, swimming) had no benefit in reducing the risk of dementia.

Similarly, a 2012 study at Minot University in North Dakota suggests that dancing improves cognitive skills and moods. Other researches point out the benefits of the activity such as mood improvement, stress reduction, memory and spatial recognition development.

The Lesson

Getting the brain worked up is vital to keeping it healthy. On top of physical movement and dancing, nurturing the brain with mental activities can help it stay alive and renew neurons. Reading, doing crosswords, playing video games and learning new things such as languages are stimulating activities for the brain that can reduce your chances of getting dementia in the future.

We Accept Spafinder Gift Vouchers

We Accept Spafinder Gift Vouchers

spafinder gift voucher c-cards-ukJust in case your were wondering we do accept Spafinder Gift Vouchers. You can redeem your validated voucher against any of our treatments at chi yu.

Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions about using you voucher.

We Look forward to welcoming you to chi yu soon.


Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Tips for Seniors

Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Tips for Seniors

(Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash)

Article by: Jane Sandwood, Freelance Writer

As you grow older, your body will progressively weaken and become susceptible to many different health problems, ranging from high blood pressure to mobility impairment. As such, it is increasingly important for you to adopt healthy eating and lifestyle habits as you age. Unfortunately, many seniors in the UK are not doing so. According to an article published in AgeUK, more than one million Britons above the age of 65 are either at risk of malnourishment or malnourished. Here is a guide that can help you improve your health and well-being.

Healthy Eating Tips
  • Drink More Water: As you age, it is likely that you will feel thirsty less often. However, you should still make a point to drink a minimum of six times every day, or more if the weather is warm or you are exercising. Drinking water is important because it supports many vital functions in your body, including hydration, blood circulation, and digestion.
  • Consume Less Salt: Overconsumption of salt can lead to increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. You can reduce your salt intake by limiting your consumption of high-salt foods such as cured meats, snacks, and sauces. Also, make a point to select low-salt varieties of foods when shopping and use herbs and spices to flavour your foods instead of salt.
  • Limit Intake of Saturated Fats and Trans Fats: Saturated fats and trans fats are detrimental to health, and they are often found in foods such as pastries, pies, fried and battered foods, chips, and chocolate. If you enjoy eating desserts, choose those that are partly nutritious and avoid foods that are high in sugar, saturated fats, and trans fats. Examples of healthier options include fresh fruits, and whole grain-based cakes and crumbles.
  • Increase Calcium Consumption: Osteoporosis is a condition that reduces the density of bones, making them more vulnerable to fractures. This condition is commonly experienced by elderly people, but you can control it by consuming enough calcium, vitamin D, and fluoride. Calcium is one of the most essential nutritional needs of seniors, and it can be found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt.

(Photo by Isidor Emanuel on Unsplash)

Healthy Lifestyle

Being physically active is one of the best ways to stay healthy during old age. It can improve your energy levels, heart health, bone strength, respiratory system, immune system, and overall well-being. To get enough exercise, you can try walking, jogging, playing sports, or following an exercise program. Yoga can also be very beneficial to your health, as it can enhance your blood circulation, reduce stress, and boost your mental health. It is also important that you get enough sleep every day and go for regular medical checkups to keep track of your health.

Yoga at chi yu wellness centre(Photo by: Naori)

For an elderly person, relaxation is not only a form of enjoyment, but also a necessity to a certain extent. So, pamper yourself with a visit to a spa or wellness centre every now and then. This can help reduce stress and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. There are many different services available in a wellness centre, including facial, massage, physical therapy, and yoga lessons. Some of these services provide therapeutic healing and pain relief, and they can make you feel more refreshed, energised, and younger.

Deep Tissue Massage at Chi Yu(Deep Tissue Massage at Chi Yu)

Staying healthy as an elderly person can be challenging. However, if you have enough discipline and perseverance to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will be able to live a happier and longer life.

New Eminence Organics Products

New Eminence Organics Products

New Eminence Organics Skin Care products are available now at chi yu and online. Ask in store for details or click images below to find out more from our online store.

  1. Stone Crop Oxygenating Fizzofoliant
  2. Stone Crop Cleansing Oil
  3. Hibiscus Ultra Lift Neck Cream
  4. Clear Skin Targeted Treatment
  5. Bright Skin Targeted Treatment
  6. Firm Skin Targeted Treatment
  7. Hibiscus Instant Line Filler
  8. Hibiscus Ultra Lift Eye Cream
  9. Rosehip & Lemongrass Soothing Hydrator
  10. Lotus Detoxifying Overnight Treatment
  11. Rosehip & Lemongrass Lip Balm SPF15
  12. Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm
The Sybarite – Review

The Sybarite – Review

Chidoriya maiko facial at chi yu wellness centre


Article Post by: , 
There is a place of healing in a quiet area of Marylebone that combines genuine oriental holistic treatments for the mind, body and spirit. A place of Zen and serenity where you can let your stresses go and let its practitioners get to the bottom of your body’s concerns.

This little slice of East meets West retreat is called the Chi Yu Wellness Centre – Chi Yu meaning “healing and shizen chiyu ryoku means the ‘body’s’ self-healing ability’. As soon as one enters the centre, one can immediately breathe in the calm and zen throughout the space which is brought about by the scents, music and aesthetics.  Read more (article link) or PDF version.

Sybarite Review Article Links:

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Chi Yu Sybarite Article Page 1

Acupuncture at Chi Yu

Acupuncture at Chi Yu

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years, but most notably in China and Japan. There is strong evidence to support assertions that acupuncture may help with the treatment of a range of conditions, such as aches and pains, acute and chronic conditions.

meridian and acupuncture points headA growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of common health conditions. A lot of people have acupuncture to relieve specific aches and pains, such as osteoarthritis of the knee, TMJ, headaches and lower back pain, or for common health problems like an overactive bladder. Other people choose acupuncture when they can feel their bodily functions are out of balance, but they have no obvious diagnosis. And many have regular treatments because they find it so beneficial and relaxing”  [source: British Acupuncture Council]

Acupuncture is based on the belief that illness can occur when the flow of energy known as Qi or chi in the body becomes stagnant. During the acupuncture treatment, very fine needles are carefully inserted into specific acupuncture points, which are located on different areas of the body, usually on meridian pathways, to restore the flow of Qi and encourage the body’s own healing process. This holistic approach focuses on you as an individual, not your illness, as all symptoms are seen in relation to each other.

What’s it like to have Acupuncture at Chi Yu?

Your acupuncturist will conduct a comprehensive consultation before the start of a course of acupuncture sessions, especially if it is your first ever session at chi yu. It is necessary to establish your general medical and health history, to understand your condition or conditions and the main associated symptoms. Other factors like your lifestyle, including diet and exercise, and your sleeping quality are also asked about in order to establish an holistic picture of your overall wellbeing.

Next your acupuncturist will take your pulses as well as an examination of your tongue, which together can reveal the quality of your Qi energy. Now the acupuncturist has enough information to determine which acupuncture points will receive a needle. Needles are sterile, individually packed and used only once. During needle insertion you may feel a quick pricking sensation, which is not usually painful. The length of time the needles remain inserted varies but it is usually for several minutes in order to allow the treatment to take effect. Your acupuncturist may insert needles into different points for each session depending on how the condition is responding to treatment. Removal of needles is quick and painless.

After the treatment, your acupuncturist will advise, as necessary, lifestyle or dietary changes so that the effect of the treatment will be longer lasting and enhance your well-being as a whole. Each session can last from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on the concerns and conditions. Acupuncture can be combined with other therapies, such as cupping or heat treatment or massage, which could help boost effectiveness.

All of our acupuncturists are professionally qualified, highly trained, experienced but most importantly they are genuinely passionate about supporting our clients well-being. Find out more about our therapists here.

Please feel free to contact us if you would more information about acupuncture or make an appointment request, please call, email or enquire through our website, contact details below:

Enquire & Book:
Tel: 020 7486 0304
Web enquiry form

The owner of chi yu wellness centre, Mami, is an experienced acupuncturist as well as highly qualified complementary practitioner with many years of successful practice and thousands of happy clients who have benefitted from her healing touch. Watch Mami’s video below about acupuncture at chi yu. (Also in Japanese and Chinese)

Top 5! Finnair Blue Wings Review

Top 5! Finnair Blue Wings Review

Blue Wings Finnair Feb 2017 CoverWe are proud to be in the Top 5 of Blue Wings (Finnair) London Revival review. Read more below or click image below to read the article.

TRANQUIL TREATMENTS. The Marylebone neighbourhood just a few blocks off Oxford Street is one of London’s wellness hotspots. A local favourite is Japanese Chi Yu Wellness Centre specialising in holistic treatments combining acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage, and other complementary therapies. “Many Londoners and travellers look for stress relief,” says Mami Tsang, founder of Chi Yu. But as we all experience stress in a slightly different way, Tsang and her team always look for a unique, tailored treatment that will leave the customer feeling relaxed, energised, and ready to take on the world.




Blue Wings Finnair Feb 2017 London Review Page

New Year Kick Start Package

New Year Kick Start Package

Sorry, this offer is expired

Feeling lethargic or sluggish?

At this time of year, especially following the festive period, overindulgence can leave you feeling lethargic or sluggish, or the cold weather can affect blood circulation resulting in cold feet and/or dull skin. If you are suffering these symptoms then we can help kick start the new year with our Japanese Cosmo Facial and Reflexology package. Combining these two therapies helps to improve lymphatic and blood circulation, restore the body’s function – including digestive function – thereby assisting your body to detox more effectively. Book a package now to feel healthier, revitalised and rejuvenated.

Japanese Cosmo Facial & Reflexology Package Options 
  • Option A: 60 minute treatment – £90 instead of £100 SAVE £10
  • Option B : 90 minute treatment – £110 instead of £125 SAVE £15
  • Option C :120 minute treatment – £135 instead of £155 SAVE £20

To Book: Call 02074860304 or email


Products that could be used in Reflexology: Lakshmi organic foot cream
Products that could be used in Japanese Cosmo Facial: Eminence Organics and Chidoriya skincare
(Please Note: Products used depend on skin type, individual requirements and outcome of the consultation)

Terms & Conditions

Offer is available until 31st January 2017. The appointment must be taken before 31st January. Cannot be combined with any other offer including prepaid accounts.

What is Japanese Cosmo Facial?

Japanese Cosmo facial is a dynamic facial massage to improve the tone of the skin by lifting the facial tissues and through detoxifying, nourishing and re-energising massage techniques. A combination of facial reflexology, acupressure and lymphatic drainage are also applied to make your skin looks fresh and luminous.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is an ancient healing art that uses a finger pressure to access the whole body through the feet or hands. Reflexology helps unblock areas of congestion to restore balance to body and mind. Specific points and meridians on the feet are also stimulated to encourage the natural flow of Qi in the body. Watch video below to find out more.