chi yu News
Price Increase 2025
All our treatment prices are increasing from 1st July 2022 Up until then all new appointments requested before this date will still be charged at the price before the increase - even if the required date is beyond the 1st March (up to 4 advanced bookings). We hope to...
We are closed on the following days over the holiday period:
We are closed Monday 23rd December 2024 to Thursday 2nd January 2025. Open as usual from Friday 3rd January 2025.
Chi Yu is 14!
I am grateful and amazed that we are celebrating our 14th anniversary! When I founded chi yu I could only hope to help a few clients improve and maintain their well-being but over the last 14 years, we have managed to care for thousands! Of course, I could not have...
Here’s What A Gemstone Face Roller Can Do For Your Skin
Article by: Jane Sandwood, freelance writer Recently, celebrities like K-Pop's Somi or Akb48's YoshidaAkari have taken to Youtube to share the best-kept secrets of their skincare routine. It's not uncommon to use gemstone rollers in the holistic beauty kit. Are they...
The Healing Power of Water
(Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash) Article by: Jane Sandwood, freelance writer Water comprises as much as 60% of our bodies, making it a critical component of health and wellbeing. While we’re often advised to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, or 1.2 to 1.5...
Stop Smoking Today: Strategies to Stay on Track
(Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash) Article by: Jane Sandwood, freelance writer There’s never a better time to quit smoking than the present moment. New data from the University of College London found that the UK has seen its highest smoking quit success rate in...
How Can Wellness Treatments Help Battle Long-Term Pain?
Article by: Jane Sandwood, freelance writer Research suggests that chronic pain affects around 43.5% of people in the UK, which has led to an increased interest in medication-free therapies. Massage therapy, a wellness therapy first described in China during the 2nd...
How to Use Wellness Techniques to Help Cope After a Job Loss
(Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash) Article by: Jane Sandwood, freelance writer Unemployed people are twice as likely as employed people to experience psychological problems (34% compared to 16%). Job loss often ranks among the highest in stress on a list of...
Cute Personlised Key Rings
We are delighted to be featuring the cute and innovative 3DSK key rings by Made by Man (the same creators of the Original Origami greeting cards) at chi yu wellness centre. 3DSK stands for 3D Selfie Keyrings and as the name suggests they are personalisable with a...
People With A Purpose Live Longer: How to Find Yours
(Photo by qi bin on Unsplash) Article by: Jane Sandwood, freelance writer If you are living life with a purpose, then your are likely to live a longer, happier life. That’s according to a study carried out by researchers at Carleton University, Canada and University...