This exclusive facial uses Chidoriya Japanese Skin care products in combination with chi yu’s bespoke Matcha green tea mask and organic facial oil, Japanese facial massage and jade stone rollers. It improves skin texture, minimizes the aging process and promotes skin repair. Founded in Kyoto in 1949, Chidoriya is 100% natural, using organic ingredients whenever possible. The products contain traditional Japanese ingredients such as rice bran, silk, green tea, camellia oil and aduki beans that have been used for beauty care in Japan for centuries. Chidoriya products are available in the UK exclusively at Chi Yu.
Vad: Den japanska behandlingen chidoriya.
Om behandlingen: Fantastiskt vackert rum, makalöst skicklig terapeut, ljuvlig japansk musik och underbara produkter. Det är svårt att hålla räkningen på alla steg och ingredienser när jag får en gedigen välbehags-upplevelse.
Så går det till: Behandlingen görs med bland annat nötigt doftande risgroddar, massage med små silkeskokonger, grönt matchate, samt hudstärkande puder av pulvriserade pärlor. Effekten satt i länge – världsklass!
English Translation:
Japanese Relaxation
What: The Japanese Treatment Chidoriya.
About the treatment: A fantastically beautiful treatment room, amazingly skilled beautician, heavenly Japanese music and wonderful products. It’s difficult to keep track of all the steps and ingredients while I’m being given the thoroughly well-being experience.
This is how it’s done: The treatment is done with among lots of things, nutty aromatic rice bran, massage with small silk cocoons, green matcha tea, and skin strengthening powder of pulverized pearls. The effect lasted for long – world class treatment!
The Chi Yu Japanese spa is more of a spiritual wellbeing centre than a mere spa, I tried the two signature treatments – the integrated therapy and the Chidoriya Japanese Facial. Read more
(Note: any prices quoted are subject to change, please check when making an appointment)
Watch our videos introducing both signature treatments reviewed in the article
Review details: Women’s Fitness Magazine, Issue 71, New Year 2010, page 120
The article reviewed our Signature Chidoriya Japanese Facial that was created by Mami (owner and practitioner) using the natural skin care products by Chidoriya in Kyoto, Japan.
Watch Our Video About the Signature Chidoriya Japanese Facial as reviewed in the article