Mads About Town – The New Year Groom: 5 Best Locations

Mads About Town – The New Year Groom: 5 Best Locations

Article Post by: (formerly Mads About Town)

Integrated Therapy in Chi Yu. Don’t let the name put you off. I’ve sent countless friends, family and colleagues into the firm hands of the Chi Yu team for this treatment and all have returned rapturous (some even claiming lifelong ailments felt alleviated).

What does it consist of? In short, it is a combination of therapies – meridian massage, reflexology, acupuncture – to redress imbalances particular to you. The team at Chi Yu are wonderful at understanding the form and this treatment is therefore different for each individual on each separate visit depending on what is necessary. Throw in the fact that this isn’t just a session that is deeply relaxing, but has knock-on benefits, and you could not spend an hour (or two) anywhere better to fortify yourself prior to New Year’s Eve. Read more.

Watch our video of the Integrated Therapy as featured in the blog article

Mads About Town – The New Year Groom: 5 Best Locations

Madeleine Loves – Chi Yu Integrated Therapy Review

Article Post by: 25/04/2012

Belinda was right. Heaven is a place on earth, and I’m about to give you the address and a discount to ease you through the pearly gates.

It is called the Chi Yu Wellness Centre. When I first walked in the doors of this little haven just off Marylebone High Street, I really didn’t feel very well. I’d been incinerating the candle at both ends and hadn’t been able to switch off for days. Most of you will know the symptoms: racing mind and racing heart, married with the feeling you spend your life racing around town in the big rat race. Read more (article link), or PDF version. (Note: reviewing website was formerly called Mads About Town)

Watch our video about the Chi Yu Integrated Therapy as feature in the blog article