Madeleine Loves – Jade-Bambo Massage Review

Madeleine Loves – Jade-Bambo Massage Review

Madeleine Loves web screen shot

Article Post by: 16/10/2013

“The feeling of stagnancy is a hard one to shake. After the vigour of summer months, by mid-October, I usually feel comparatively inert and heavy.

Chi Yu offered a potential answer – a Jade & Bamboo massage. What the dickens is a Jade & Bamboo massage? A little online research proffered the following explanation: bamboo, once heated and rolled across the body, increases circulation and promotes relaxation.” Read more (article link) or PDF version. (Note: website used to be called Mads About Town)


Watch our video about Jade-Bamboo Massage as featured in the blog article

Made in Chelsea – Chi Yu Featured in an Episode

Made in Chelsea – Chi Yu Featured in an Episode


Chi Yu debuted on the Channel 4 TV show called Made in Chelsea on Monday Oct 22nd [series 4, episode 2]. Featured is our amazing Jade-Bamboo massage being expertly carried out by Mami, this is a new treatment we’ll be launching soon! Look out for FB/Twitter posts or sign up to our newsletter to be in the know. You can watch it on 4OD – we are shown at times 18.22 and 20.46. Also check out the screenshots of Mami and Rie in action on our FaceBook page.

Watch our video about the Jade-Bamboo massage featured in the show