Holistic Therapy For Mental Health
(Photo by kazuend on Unsplash)
Article by: Jane Sandwood, Freelance Writer
Mental health conditions are a big challenge facing the UK currently, with Mind stating that an estimated 25% will be diagnosed with mental health conditions each year. Many mental health diagnoses are treated through a combination of medication and classic, western therapy, such as CBT. However, there are more options. With east-meets-west therapy becoming popular, there are a number of excellent holistic therapy methods that could aid someone diagnosed with a mental health condition.
Acupuncture is the process of inserting needles into specific points along the human body. The aim of this is to subtly manipulate qi – the life force of a person’s body. For many years, it has been used for mitigating back pain and the effect of migraine with general effectiveness, with acupuncture now recommended by the NHS. When it comes to mental health, acupuncture has been shown to help relieve stress and the symptoms of anxiety. This can have wider ranging effects, such as for those investigating schizophrenia treatment and care options and other mental health diagnoses requiring the use of antipsychotic medication. Acupuncture can help to manage stress and anxiety, alleviating symptoms.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is another complementary medicine that can help to alleviate other symptoms. In the UK, herbal medicine is tightly regulated, with many Indian and South Asian herbs reserved for medication and rigorously controlled. On the upside, this means that some herbs that could interact dangerously with regular treatments are restricted. However, it can mean some innocuous substances are restricted. There is plenty of material on the internet demonstrating how things as simple as Indian herbal tea can help to alleviate symptoms; as can some medicated herbs. Just read the label.
A word on aromatherapy. Usually consisting of the diffusal of essential oils intermingled with gentle massage techniques, regular aromatherapy can be a wonderful way to enhance regular therapeutic treatments and deliver a holistic sense of well being. When you feel you are too far away from your next appointment, you can deliver an aspect of aromatherapy in your own home by investing in essential oils and taking a bath, or using hot water to steam your head whilst listening to relaxing music.
Holistic therapy can take the edge off the treatments associated with the challenge of mental health diagnosis. In the best case, it can enhance and bring positive change to the rate of your recovery.
Link to other Mental Health Conditions
- PTSD: What Can I Do to Help My Loved One? (Source: HoganInjury.com)