My Chic City – Review

My Chic City – Review

My Chic City, 4th August 2012 (Chi Yu press coverage)

The Chi Yu Japanese spa is more of a spiritual wellbeing centre than a mere spa, I tried the two signature treatments – the integrated therapy and the Chidoriya Japanese Facial. Read more

(Note: any prices quoted are subject to change, please check when making an appointment)

Watch our videos introducing both signature treatments reviewed in the article

Madeleine Loves – Chi Yu Integrated Therapy Review

Madeleine Loves – Chi Yu Integrated Therapy Review

Article Post by: 25/04/2012

Belinda was right. Heaven is a place on earth, and I’m about to give you the address and a discount to ease you through the pearly gates.

It is called the Chi Yu Wellness Centre. When I first walked in the doors of this little haven just off Marylebone High Street, I really didn’t feel very well. I’d been incinerating the candle at both ends and hadn’t been able to switch off for days. Most of you will know the symptoms: racing mind and racing heart, married with the feeling you spend your life racing around town in the big rat race. Read more (article link), or PDF version. (Note: reviewing website was formerly called Mads About Town)

Watch our video about the Chi Yu Integrated Therapy as feature in the blog article